2004-02-29 � stupor

Ennui and the golden guy they call Oscar

okay, is it just me or were the Academy Awards last night just one long,long SNOREFEST! Holy snoozers Batman! Good gawd. I actually had a dizzying moment where I was longing for the goofy Rob Lowe in tights production numbers. The only saving grace was the presentation by Jack Black and Will Ferrell. They should totally host next year.. you know, tag team it.

And what up with those weird theme songs they trumpeted all the presenters in with?!

I thought Susan Sarandon looked amazing. How is it that she looks better now then she did ten years ago? She doesn't strike me as the botox type. Am I wrong?

ah well. I'm really kinda burning out on this whole celebrity culture thang. It's just... you know, OLD. And empty and dull. As with most things in life, I blame it on Britney and Christina and Michael and company.

So... yeah, the wee updates have been rather spotty as of late. For this I kinda apologize. I guess I'm just not in a happy blogging space lately. Which isn't to say i'm not happy... cuz I am. Many a snowbank has melted around these here parts and for that I'm incredibly grateful. It's just that I can't think of anything to write about... you really don't wanna hear the minutae (spelling?) of my days, 'cuz I'm frighteningly dull, people. coma-inducing, even. It's true. I'm yet more boring than the Oscars. All I do is draw dinosaurs and walk my dog and stand in line at the grocery store and fret about the fact i have no where to put my vacumn cleaner. O wait...there is in fact a bit of excitement in my life. We've ordered a new dryer from Sears to replace the ancient hulk of harvest gold currently residing in our basement and making the most horrendous grinding noises. Yee-haw. Now I can dry my jeans and my mismatched socks ALL THE WAY and not worry about starting a fire. Life is good, I tell ya.

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