
peth - 2004-03-01 10:57:40
I agree, the oscars were hella boring. Too many blondes. I fell asleep for some of it. But not the blonde part. I also agree about the loveliness of Sarandon, and I'd guess she's tox-free. Just takes care of herself. Phooey!

Kate - 2004-03-02 17:35:22
Poor Wee Ewe. I feel ya. Sunny days will be here soon. Listen for those birdies, they love you.

Kate, later, with wine - 2004-03-02 19:20:17
If it looks like a duck and it acts like a duck and there's duck doo on your pickup truck then you can bet your bottom buck that it ain't no arrrrrrmadilla.

Kate's duck - 2004-03-02 19:21:26
quack quack

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