
Detlef - 2004-10-29 18:33:49
Fabulous! Really out kids when you visit Wee's place.

jingles - 2004-10-29 21:15:46
Oh wee... you're too adorable to be truly frightening. Nice try though :) Love the illo!

amber - 2004-10-29 22:05:41
You are too cool. I wish I could go trick-or-treating in your neighborhood! But wait, that would mean I might lose my candy...

Kate - 2004-10-30 02:17:24
Oh me oh my... I'm in love with batty Finny! What a great sequence... the girl in the foreground is great, very dynamic! I want more! I hope you've sent some of these out as Halloween cards to potential clients. Rock on!

lizardek - 2004-10-30 15:20:05
I SO wish you lived near me so I could bring my kids trick-or-treating at your house! :D

Stacie Wacie - 2004-10-31 01:04:40
My Mac did this a while back. All I had to do was reinstall MacOS. All my hard drive goodies survived.

violetismycolor - 2004-11-01 00:34:57
You are so incredibly jealous am I! I am just as addicted as you, btw...could barely stand to be away for the weekend.

mabelle - 2004-11-01 23:15:20
How gorgeous, I totally love your illo!

bluepoppy - 2004-11-02 08:37:21
Oh Wee---- your illos are too too too wonderful---- where are the Wee children's books??? I will buy them ALL.

otter - 2004-11-05 15:00:15
Has the computer returned yet? Imisssssssyoooouuuuuu....

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