
Judith - 2004-09-13 11:04:22
First off, I love love love your layout. The colors you choose are so warm and soothing. That sounds weird but its true. As for the options, I love them all. I am starting to get excited about Halloween so I might have to start decorating soon. I just wish I had a spouse/boyfriend that I could try and flip off their towel. Oh well. Its something to look forward to.

Kate - 2004-09-13 11:16:56
Yay! I'm first I'm first I'm first! Woohoo!!! Ok anyway. That snowflake business is dangerous. I think I might have to stay there all day. I have already downloaded like 25 of them from the gallery and plan to make a nice desktop pattern with them. Secondly, I wish I knew why that Frances chick thing was following you around. Thirdly, can I borrow something to wear? And finally, those flowers that look like paper lanterns are called "Chinese Lanterns." Don't know about the exploding brain flowers though. Hey, go take a look at my blog, Finny Jane helped me out last night with some drawing. xoxox

Kate - 2004-09-13 11:18:50
Feh. Judith, you snuck in there while I was typing. Oh well. It was fun to think I was first while it lasted. So anyway, is the wolf going to dress in costume this year? Maggie is already brainstorming about her first Halloween disguise.

violetismycolor - 2004-09-13 13:00:46
Love your humor (as well as your illustrations). As for the squirrels and the tulip bulbs, I have a hint. I plant both daffodils and tulips together in the holes. One daff next to one tulip. Why? Daffodils are poisonous (Roman soldiers used to take them into battle to eat rather than be captured and tortured.) and the squirrels seem to know it, so they stay the hell away from them. They must have a tremendous sense of smell to know what's under there, but there it is.

jingles - 2004-09-13 15:34:53
Why?! Why did you have to put that blasted snowflake URL up? Do you know what I've been doing for the past hour? Not getting any work done. Playing in the snow... and it's not even winter yet! Och well... at the very least I can make a super brrrific desktop design for the colder months to come.

Giao - 2004-09-13 16:21:38
I'm hoping Fat Frances has gone away for good, because your options made me feel all happy and warm and fuzzy. Yay for awesome posts and feeling good and I hope you do. Feel good, that is. Foo, Frances, foo!

wee - 2004-09-13 16:30:22
O you delightful wee creatures you! thank you! I do feel good. I feel Tony the Tiger grrrrrr-Great! And Jingles, I did warn you! I did! And could you have a more appropriate moniker for the snowflaking? I think not. Ho ho ho.

bej - 2004-09-13 17:20:59
I looooove the snowflake-maker! I've used that before. Very addictive is the nice way of putting it. LOL It appears bej might be returning now and again...wheee. (I meant to say that with more enthuasiasm, really)

lizardek - 2004-09-14 07:25:08
Damn you and your damned addictive damned snowflake links!! *grumbles and then runs off to make some more*

samantha - 2004-09-14 12:22:02
yeah, I made a snowflake. I was a little confused at first, but I had fun! Now I'm going to look at everyone ELSE's snowflakes! Bye! glad Fat Frances is on her way OUT. Otter has some really cool new shoes she can kick Frances' ass with, so just let her know if you need some assistance.

bluepoppy - 2004-09-14 15:02:07
I'm totally taking Option 5. Halloween. Bring it!

sooner - 2004-09-14 15:03:53
Oh, Wee. Delicious options all.

lizardek - 2004-09-15 08:53:41
I hereby call this meeting of the Mutual Admiration Society to order! *bangs gavel* Honorable Chairman Wee presiding. Honorable President Lizardek also presiding. *smoochs you on the cheek*

C - 2004-09-15 11:11:09
I just want to figuratively shake your hand for the reference to acorn berets. That made my morning.

mal - 2004-09-18 01:27:51
couldn't help but think of you when reading the review of this book: . reviewers mention fat frances vs. thin frances and anyway it made me laugh to think of your illustration and her ham fists flying.

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