
otter - 2004-06-21 21:48:47
O, I've been checking in all day in hopes of a post--and just did one more check before I went to bed--and lo and behold, a veritable gem of a post! You make me giggle something fierce, you funny, witty, clever girl...One more thing, can we work out some custody sharing of "bits"? I've really become quite attached to it and I'm not sure I can go cold turkey. Maybe just every other weekend? And Arbor Day, of course.

lizardek - 2004-06-22 04:56:16
*giggles* floating along, singing a song, that's our Wee!

bluepoppy - 2004-06-22 09:28:52
honey pie-- if you are a windy, blowsy, drifty girl-- Be Wee---WHeeee. Earthy stuff might just stultify--- those were all suggestions of course-- every person has to create their own balance and you surely have created yours you magical windswept wonder!

Erica Mulherinqq - 2004-06-22 10:55:10
Ha ha ha....Feng Wee! I love it!

Kate - 2004-06-23 10:45:49
You know you did exactly what I imagined myself doing as I read all those steps the first time... kicking ass in fenging and shuiing, then letting it all go to heck within a week. Still, cleaning before a project is refreshing. Even if there are round things left around the place. It's a bit of a ritual for me. Must. Clean. Space. Before. Painting. It makes sense. Or so they say in all those artist books I have. And making a mess is half the fun of making art. It's bound to happen. So says the mantra of Penguin Shui.

Kate - 2004-06-23 10:47:45
And one other thing--yes, it was a volleyball, and yes, I was frustrated by many a detail in that movie. Yet it was captivating and inspired my own answers to the eternal question, "if you were stranded on a deserted island, what would you do with all those FedExes?

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