2004-12-21 � Happy happy and Merry merry

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Well, this is it, my little sugarplums... my last chance to update before Christmas. Tomorrow, the Handsome Guy and I shall be winging it west to spend the holidays with our parents whilst the wolf toughs it out in the "pet hotel." I shall miss her fiercely and have to restrain myself from calling the kennel every hour to ensure that she's okay, but I'm looking forward to it. It is, after all, my favourite time of year.

So I'm sending out my sincerest wishes to you for a splendid holiday season full of light, love and laughter. May your hearts be filled with gratitude and joy and your bellies be warm and bursting with all sorts of goodness! May you find exactly what you're looking for it the toe of your stocking and may everyone you bump into under the mistletoe have minty fresh breath and be perfectly snoggable! Happy Happy and Merry Merry!

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