2004-02-17 � winter of our discontent

Mapping the Interior Landscape

It is with some regret that I report that the above picture (pen and ink with digital colour by yours truly here) is a fiercely accurate depiction of my tumbleweed tangled brain these days.

To use my darling mother's rich vernacular, I'm up and down like a toilet seat. sigh. This has indeed been a Winter of Discontent. It can't last forever, can it? All I can say is damn those groundhogs. Bring on the spring chickens!

O, but it's not all bad. Really. Beautiful Valentine's Day orchid? Good. New leather couch, coffee table and area rug? Good, Good, Good. Snuggling with the handsome guy, eating popcorn soaked with butter and marvelling at the oddly captivating, melancholy, splendidly drawn Triplets of Belleville? Better than good. And finally, finding the chldren's book I adored as a kid and have been obsessed with as an adult? FANTASTIC! It's the sequel to this book, Old Black Witch, called Old Witch and the Polka Dot Ribbon by wende and Harry Devlin and the local library is hunting it down for me (it's out of print). If it's anywhere near as magical as it is in my memory, I'll stop at nothing short of murder to secure myself a copy.

And having a furry black beast bumping impatiently at my elbow, reminding me it's time to go out and see how many squirrels she can startle today? The best. Indubitably.

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