2004-02-03 � The Dalai Lama and Deep Perspective

Queries and Questions

Second entry on the day... woo hoo. But number one, I feel the need to make up for my mopey entry earlier. I always feel guilty about whining and whinging too much. After all, there are more disturbing things than winter. There's American Idol and Janet Jackson's silver tipped breast.

And number two, I actually have a real purpose, for once. I want to illustrate the Slyvester Pickle Project ( to be referred to as The Pickle Project from here on out) from a bird's eye perspective, which will be a real challenge. Generally speaking, I'm pretty good at drawing exclusively from my imagination and don't require alot of reference, but I have a hard time with foreshortening. Does anyone (particularly the artists amongst you) know of a good guide to foreshortening (sometimes referred to as deep perspective) online?

And a random bit to close: Despite my bearishness today, I had a fit of the giggles while standing in line at the grocery store this evening, waiting to pay for my hot chocolate and tortilla pie ingredients. Beaming out from right hand corner of the Reader's Digest was a photo of everyone's favourite Buddhist, the Dalai Lama. Underneath the photo, the caption "The Dalai Lama on the meaning of life, and his favourite TV shows."

I'm kicking myself now for not picking it up and finding out for myself if the path to enlightment is better negotiated in the flickering glow of "Friends" or "CSI".

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