2002-12-04 � seahorses and hats with pom-poms

Merry and Bright

I am, for no particular reason, all cheerful and bright today.

I feel like a shiny new Macintosh apple, all red and round and deliciously fragrant. I feel like a candy cane, stripey and sweet, curled at one end. I feel like a seahorse, all fanciful and buoyant.

I am happy beyond all reason and am shutting my ears to any rumblings of the bah-humbug variety.

Three minutes ago, I was laying in a sunbeam with my nose buried in my dog's warm silky black coat thinking about bananas foster and pineapple upside down cake and listening my Charlie Brown Christmas CD. One can simply not be in a bad mood whilst listening to a Charlie Brown Christmas CD, lying in a sunbeam, burying your nose behind the impossibly soft ear of a big black dog and thinking about bananas foster and pineapple upside down cake. It simply cannot be done.

I just had to share that with you all. I also need to share the fact that I have no need to talk about my teeth and going to the dentist for another four whole months because as of yesterday, I'm finished with all my toothsome worries for 2002. I also must share with you the fact that i learned the name of Morgan the giraffe spotted dog's mum. It's Charlotte. I like that name. It's all cozy and old-fashioned. And also, I need to share the fact that i got a fabulous new red hat with a fuzzy crimson pom-pom on the top and new red mittens to boot.

I'm must go now. I have to twirl in the sunbeam to this tune and then go rifle through the boxes in the basement. The ones marked "Christmas decorations."


Bananas Foster

* 90 gm butter (use butter not margarine)
* 1/4 cup brown sugar
* 4 ripe bananas
* 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg/cinnamon
* 2 tablespoon banana liqueur
* 1/3 cup rum
* 2 cups vanilla icecream

Melt butter in pan, add sugar & stir until melted. Saute peeled bananas in pan until brown and tender. Sprinkle spices over bananas & add liqueurs. And now for the spectacular bit... Ignite alcohol with match and use long handled ladles to baste bananas with sauce. When flames die serve with icecream. Serves 4.

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