2004-08-06 � Finny J turns five

Finny J had her fifth birthday on Wednesday. Fifth! I can scarcely believe it. It seems like only yesterday, I was holding this coal black, ten-week-old bundle of fuzz in the back seat while she howled and whimpered and twisted helplessly watching the only home she had ever known vanish through the rearview window. I was crying, Jack was on the verge, and we kept asking each other "Are we doing the right thing?"

All fear vanished the moment she stepped through the door to our new home. There was yards and yards of new carpet to piddle on. Toes to nip, a pile of toys waiting for her that didn't have to be shared with any rowdy littermates. She moved right in and took over our lives, with nary a glance backward.

I can scarcely express how much I love this dog of mine. She brings me such great joy, fills my world and my heart like nothing I experienced before. She is my constant companion, my saviour, my baby. She completes us. She made us a family.

Happy birthday, Finny J. Romp on, my girl!

Photo above is actually a series of six Jack took the other day of Finn running over a little foot bridge at the park. I melded them into one in Photoshop and i think it captures her zest and exuberance. She's a wonder!

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