2004-04-29 � sublime

Slice o' Sublime

Oh Darlings. Now, it's not like me to attempt to force anything down your throats, but O! My sweet lawd covered in clover and rose petals, ya'll simply must, must, MUST if at all possible, pick up yerselves a copy of Loretta Lynn's latest album "Van Lear Rose" because it is simply sublime!

I mean, I'm not a country music fan by any means.... and what i do like of that genre tends to be either really old Hank Williams/Patsy Cline/Johnny Cash or more rockabilly/punkabilly/alternative country like Hank Williams III, Wilco, Reverend Horton Heat (LOVE the Rev.), y'know? But this album...arranged and produced by Jack White of the White Stripes is a bit o' electric hillbilly heaven. My Jack brought it home yesterday and I must have listened to it five times all the way through and there is not one song I don't love.

Okay, now that's outta the way (though still buzzing in my ears), you will notice I changed my template once again, because I'm all about the changing templates. The topper up above features a euphorbia blossom from my garden.

I wish they stayed that same acid green/chartruse all summer long, but they don't. They fade out to more of a sage green. Still, they are odd plants... almost Seussian in the way they sprawl and crawl like armoured snakes. I'd recommend them too.

And because I'm still feeling a bit bossy, I'm going to steer you in the direction of another fabulous site. I had it on my links page a long time ago and then replaced it. But I checked back on it the other day and it is CHOCK A BLOCK with NEW arty goodness. click here!

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