
melanie - 2004-08-01 10:58:37
I really like the style and I think the "scraps" term is appropriate because I like how the background is a mixture of different things: words & textures. Mostly I like the picture of your dog that stares at me with those soulfull eyes while I am reading.

chlamygirl - 2004-08-01 21:11:53
i definitely think you have a style and i definitely like your style.

lizardek - 2004-08-01 23:34:43
I love your style, Wee. You meld so well, and your use of color is so restful and zestful all at once, it's a wonder. However, skinny girl's long giraffe neck is freaking me out just the wee-est bit. :D haha!

bluepoppy - 2004-08-02 10:41:20
You are so THERE. I LOVE Ginger. If you offered this illo for sale I would send you $$ today! You are so there and this particular illo captures it all-- I love the elements of it-- I'm a multimedia lover from way back but I have never seen anyone do it with illo this way-- you are STYLING----

bluepoppy - 2004-08-02 10:43:16
and you know what else? I love how the top left corner of the brick looks like it could also be bits of wallpaper and how the handwriting on the right is perfect background that seems to evoke stream of consciousness and echo Ginger's meditative mode-- LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT-- i'll be quiet now.

otter - 2004-08-02 11:35:27
O Wee! Ginger Sprout is amazing! I really love the scraps!! It resonates, it feels true, do you know what I mean? Now, when's that gallery opening???

samantha - 2004-08-02 12:29:45
oh wee, I think she's just lovely. I like the handwriting bit of the illo, especially so, and it's just AMAZING. I agree with you that you've got to have your own recognizable style - and I think you may have FOUND it. I can't wait til you put some stuff up for sale, I will be decorating my marital nest with artwork from all my bloggy friends!

Detlef - 2004-08-02 17:26:57
I think the "scrap" technique is a winner. I like the way Ginger's form echoes both the line of the tree and pot plant - puts her at one with her garden.

penelope - 2004-08-02 17:38:43
I dig it a whole whole lot. I love her neck and her eyes. And yes, I see your style settling...and it's beautiful!

Bianca - 2004-08-03 13:03:25
I love it! Your style is amazing just like your illustrations!

Kate - 2004-08-09 17:35:05
Do I really need to tell you how much Melanie Ford Wilson's illustration style rocks? It's got the texture that you missed from your oil painting of the boy, plus it's got your techincal expertise and an organic, hand-drawn touch that creates a total "AHA!" moment. You're right about the type... I say that you must hand-write it yourself instead of using some prefab font. Now let's see. What market will you infiltrate? Publishing? Editorial? Licensing? BTW, I had total N.C. Wyeth love and Andrew Wyeth love on vacation. You would have died in that room full of gigantic oil paintings of Mohicans and soldiers and Robin Hoods and the drama... *gush*

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