
lizardek - 2004-07-12 04:13:47
Geez, was it only 12 days?? It felt like an eternity to me! :D Also, singing to the choir, babe, even though I haven't yet seen that particular movie, the looming, teeming, skyhigh pile of evidence pointing to the fact that Mr. Bush should not be allowed to continue running my once-beloved country into the ground is getting too much for even the blindest of republicans to ignore. For those of us who didn't vote for him, the day he's out of office cannot come too soon. That said, bring on the Sponge Bob! Or alternately, more piratopi!

lizardek - 2004-07-12 04:15:02
also, this paragraph: I actually began to worry (in an abstract and entirely brainless way) that the number of thoughts one person can entertain in a lifetime is firmly finite and that after thirty-plus years of caffeinated munkie brain, where my mind whirls at fourteen times the pace of other animals in the jungle, simultaneously teasing the water buffalo, perfecting banana cream pie recipes, mining the mites off of my neighbours, reading Kafka and comic books, and jeering at the various organ grinders that pass my way.... I have chewed through all my jaunty, worthwhile thoughts and will spend the rest of my life rocking slightly on my heels with a bubble of drool in the corner of my mouth, staring slack jawed at my feet, mumbling dully "um, what was I gonna do now?" ...had me crying with laughter and recognition. :)

Marilyn - 2004-07-12 06:14:16
Delightful post, in spite of the subject matter. :) I plan to see Moore's film (if it comes to our local theatre and it appears that it will). However, I will not be voting this year nor was I able to vote in 2000 because citizens of U.S. territories are denied that right. It hardly seems fair, especially when one considers the number of men and women in our military who are residents of the territories. And in a cruel twist, 24 hours after the Supreme Court awarded the last election to W., Al and Tipper were frolicking at a villa just over the hill from me. So we will watch and wait and hope and pray that mainlanders will turn out in record numbers this November, since now is most certainly not the time for voter apathy. In the interim, I will look for more of your delightful musings about all things non-political.

bluepoppy - 2004-07-12 08:58:29
Hmmm, my vote is for Sponge Bob to be the next president! ( and 12 days is WAYyyyyyy too long--- try having a glass of chardonnay and then unloading the angry black cloud-- it's a gas! wheee)

samantha - 2004-07-12 12:26:11
so glad you are back, wee! I seriously considered sending an email saying, "please come back to us, we'll be good this time..." The whole Farenheit 9/11 thing - I'd love to see it. I've already become aware of some of the discrepancies - I'm hoping it will come closer than a 2 hour drive away, and that I'll be able to see it with some of my left leaning friends.

Kate - 2004-07-14 11:00:10
Melanie Moo, how do you do? My votes always go to the candidate who is most ready to protect wildlife. And that ain't no Republican I've ever met. Makes for very empassioned conversations with the in-laws. How are you? What are you doing in there? (I envision you as a little spritely spirit living inside my computer). How is Finny and are there no more bird stories from your wolf walks? Maggie says HI.

rhya - 2004-07-16 10:05:04
I cannot wait to see this movie. I do agree with you on Michael Moore, he is a little of an extreme...but i am happy to see that there are some extremes available. I believe it is important for people to ask questions about everything, be as informed as possible. I am guilty of not being informed enough at times...i try my best, but when life gets so busy i sometimes forget to read the fine print...i am getting better though. cheers melanie r hey are you allowed to vote in Canada?

Feisty - 2004-07-17 14:57:04
I couldn't have said it better myself (and, in fact, I didn't). It's good to hear others were stunned awake by the movie. I, too, hate shoving my beliefs down others throats, and I think it is quite diplomatic of you to take this approach. Now let's elect SpongeBob in '04! I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready ready ready ready ready!

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