
elka - 2004-06-28 18:51:29

jen - 2004-06-28 21:56:46
your drawings make me happy. have i told you that before? i'd hire you to decorate my house. because i know you'd fill it with such wonderful fantastic colour and charm. yay wee!

L - 2004-06-28 22:48:34
Three cheers for voting. I just about peed my pants reading your about your voting trip. Mine was certainly less eventful, and Eugene Levy was nowhere to be seen*

rhya - 2004-06-29 02:16:04
i voted tonight... i did i did...anything to participate in this society and country...anything to make a difference. cheeerio melanie. r

lizardek - 2004-06-29 06:05:40
I love your little octopus! pirato-pus! great voting story, it's so nice to be able to make someone's day, isn't it? Just like YOU made my day! :) a new header, a new post, a new story, a new pirate-poo-octi-pus to love!

Jess - 2004-06-29 06:14:53
We suffer from the same dumb electoral system here in Britain. I favour the New Zealand model, where you have two votes - one for your own MP and one to determine the parties' national percentages (the parties are allocated enough MPs from a list to make their seats up to the right percentage). Hope shark-face doesn't get in!! All my love xx

Kate - 2004-06-29 09:22:12
Hip hip horray! Wee saves the day. What would those two have done if you DIDN'T show up. That's what I want to know. So relieved, so relieved... that they know you're not a Siamese twin or that you married someone with the exact same name? I wonder. Oh, and I visited that Three Dog Bakery site--is it wrong that it gave me cravings for sweet baked goodies and therefore I was subconciously driven to stop at Starbucks this morning and spend $2 on a cinnamon chocolate chip scone--and if that wasn't enough, a java chip frappachino (basically the liquid version of the scone + caffiene) and a $15 Starbucks pink travel mug from which to slurp the chocolatey chippy goodness? I blame it on that doggie birthday cake. There's just something about the words, "Oven Baked" that makes my mouth water. Look what you've done to me. No more Zenguin.

moki - 2004-06-29 15:34:56
I am slightly in a postpartum funk and just had to thank you for the first good laugh since the baby was born. Your Christopher Guest "experience" did it....sad but true. Thanks again ;)

samantha - 2004-06-29 18:53:49
How wonderful, the octopus! I really like your summer banner as well. Makes me feel all flip floppy and sunshiny. I love your Christopher Guest experience - Waiting for Guffman is all it takes for me to come out of a funk.

bluepoppy - 2004-06-29 18:58:57
What a surprise! You had me all scared that it was an inevitable nasty SH victory but NO! YAY! And do I LVOE you new layout and your Octopus?!!! OHOHOH and how.

peth - 2004-07-07 12:35:12
that is some fine octopirate.

bellabelly - 2004-07-08 12:12:27
ooooh I love your piroctopus or octopirate or what ever it is, it is just lovely. And I just realized you are Canadian...(haven't been in these parts long) and I went to Canada for the first time last year and absolutely loved it. My husband and I want to retire there in a million years when we can retire.

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