
sooner - 2004-04-26 14:56:48
I've also heard tell that India is most fragrant. As for the chip dip smell let me tell you something the Dalai Lama didn't. When one is confronted with chip dip smell, one is not required to make friends or be anything but royally peeved. The Dalai Lama teaches that one must strive for perfection while understanding that none of us acheive it. Therefore, I say set your limits where they seem reasonable to you. Limitations are perfectly acceptable. My limit, as I suspect yours should be, is just below sour chip dip smell. Just below.

bluepoppy - 2004-04-26 15:13:20
Holy Enlightentment! You were tested, for sure. Of course we only have to love and extend gentle spirit to good-smelling people. Stinky people get no love. And the newlyenlightened ignoring the pan-handler!! If that isn't the snapshot I carry in my wallet. And, your writing . . god can you write (sigh).

lizardek - 2004-04-27 05:34:22
The bathed shall inherit the earth... You capture the moment so nicely, wee. :)

rhya - 2004-04-27 08:44:38
That is hilarious...of course you were having a hard time concentrating. Stinky things are hard to ignore, especially when they are jammed beside you and you can not run away. Your jack sounds fantastic!

Kate - 2004-04-29 19:04:57
Well I don't see why you need to have any compassion for the moldy little creatures dwelling on your neighbor and eminating the stench. I mean, if it weren't for germs, bacteria, amoebas and other microscopic monsters, I think we'd all smell like puppies. Or at least I'd like to think so. Don't you?

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