
Maeve-Arie - 2004-04-20 13:01:12
I would have been likr "umm can I have someone's number in case I think of something later?" or "here is my number if you need anything further" I wouldn't have...I am big chicken. Fun. Maeve

Maeve - 2004-04-20 13:09:11
I hear ya! So in that case tell them area code 608...

salmon - 2004-04-20 14:01:13
how bizarre! i hope it doesn't freak you out for too long. and i've never seen "about last night". should i?

Bianca - 2004-04-20 14:17:18
Holy canola! That is weird, very weird. After reading the end � I can laugh a little now, you narrated the whole thing in a very funny way! Funny, funny, funny! Weird, weird, weird! BBB

Bianca - 2004-04-20 14:19:33
Ha ha ha - Meant Holy canoli! Which is not holy really! I don't know where canola came from! BBB

sooner - 2004-04-20 18:03:15
Oh, Wee. Why are fireboys always so delicious? And I've been so deliriously happy since you advised me about the renewal of Alias that I have literally been skipping all around the library. Literally.

Wyndspirit - 2004-04-20 23:20:02
Weird!!! That would freak me out horribly.

lizardek - 2004-04-21 03:58:00
You ARE a killer! You've admitted it! IN WRITING! RIGHT HERE ON THIS BLOG! Snail stomper! muahahahahaha! Firemen... sigh :)

bluepoppy - 2004-04-21 07:05:38
Jeeez. Whatever happened to a simple walking of the dog? If you're not slinking down alleys to avoid other dogs you've got firetrucks and their hunky accessories surrounding your car. How very, very strange. Who on earth would call in such a thing? Do you think maybe the call was to divert the firetrucks from the real scene of the crime? Ohh, the mystery of it all.

Kate - 2004-04-21 09:19:05
Mel mel mel... what a dramatic story! Actually, come to think of it, it might be the perfect beginning for one of those thick steamy novels, this one would be called something like "Untamed Fires" and would picture one of the hunkalicious firemen grasping the wee Melanie by the wee waist, wee's bosoms just barely keeping themselves in her sexy dog walking boustiere... the car off in the distance, and smoke and flames all around you, and and and... oh Finny will be sitting on the firetruck howling into the smoky air songs of love and lust....

Kate - 2004-04-21 09:21:40
And the ducks! Wee shall be holding a little duckling up to her bosom as she resists the hunkalicous fireman's embrace, mother and father ducks fly overhead trying to save their lost baby, pooing on both of your heads until Finny comes to your rescue, grabs you by the neck like a puppy and drags you to safety. The end.

ani - 2004-04-21 10:21:43
You're right how utterly strange. Hope they weren't at the incorrect location.

wee - 2004-04-21 11:45:49
O bosoms ARE indeeed the stuff romance novels are made of and I do look rather fetching in my dog walking bustier... it goes so well with my doggie walkie stillhettos (sp?!! ohgawd. I can't possibly wear these fashion items if I can't spell them, now can I?!!)

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