
Kate - 2003-12-05 15:53:30
Awwrrrr, they are so adorable! Such patience. I don't think I could manage. I have that issue of MSkids too, and I pine over the 12 cupcake ideas, but I know how difficult her seemingly-simple concoctions are to recreate. But you've done a very swell job, and with such perfect timing with all the snow on the ground outside the window here. Your wolf is a lucky one. I need a wolf of my own.

Lydia - 2003-12-05 22:16:22

Dee - 2003-12-06 00:13:02
They are cute and adorable! It reminds me of the cake I did for Aubrey this year - swimming pool cake with Teddy Grahams swimming, sunbathing, floating on gummy life preservers, and diving off of gum diving boards. It is a lot of work, but fun to do! P.S. do you remember the cut-out cakes that our mom's used to do when we were kids?

Finn - 2003-12-12 22:19:50
And hella talented too.

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