2005-11-02 � mum's the word


Darling Internet...

I am about to perform a little vanishing act here, as I am completely and totally swamped and a bit more terrified than I ought to be and also pretty much engulfed with panic, pushing sooooo hard to complete illustration on the book I've been working on forever whilst (whilst!) trying to ignore desperate pleas from other clients who insist their jobs are urgent and will take less than an hour. For the record? I have never once had a design job that took less than an hour. Not once.

But I just couldn't stand staring at myself in that banner any longer. All I could do is dwell on how that particular camera angle made my nose look gargantuan and my lips look pretty much non-existent and all sorts of really stupid self-absorbed stuff, so I threw together this banner and whilst (whilst!) I'm off performing my incredible vanishing act and other breath-taking feats which you would normally pay a mint to see but can see (or rather, not see) here for free, you can contemplate the orangeness that is (are?) fall mums. Or, you know, not. Shall return... eventually. In a week or so. Maybe a tad longer. But just a tad. Kisses all around!

Some entertaining (non-mum) diversions:

hilarious lipsync hijinx courtesy of Blastmilk

Amazing collages from Lisa Dejohn

Prettiness and Pillows from Amy Ruppel

illustration-a-go-go from Illustration Mundo

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