2004-10-18 � the boneless flops


Bah. Yesterday was not good. Today was marginally better, but not much fun either. I'm sick.

I'd blame the Handsome Guy and the suspicious pizza slice if it weren't for the fact that he is sick too with exactly the same symptoms, sick enough that he stayed home from work (and he never does that unless he is sick, sick, indeed) so that we could lay side by side, moaning and sneezing, debating the merits of various cold remedies. Too dazed for conversation. Our only comfort... Finny with the floppy ears who snuggled in the middle alternately flopping her soft floppity ears over my ankle, then Jack's ankle. O, soft floppity ears. There is nothing so sweet and comforting as a soft floppity dog ear flopped over your ankle.

'Course, not wanting to be outdone, Finny contributed to the general malaise too by barfing big chunks of grass and guck at the foot of the bed (not ON the bed, thankfully. On the carpet.) at 5:00 this morning. So not only did I have to contend with this virus whose chief symptom is to render you completely exhausted and boneless and utterly incapable of remaining upright for more than 15 minutes at a time, I had to spend the morning casting anxious glances at my furry girl, she of the floppity ears which flop so comfortingly, searching her for signs of major illness.

Happily, I saw none. But having reported that, I must now run in search of real wood to knock on and must thereafter immediately get horizontal as my head is swimming and I'm going all boneless again. sigh.

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