2004-09-20 � thoughts and perculations

Party mix

My thoughts are random, zig zaggy. They are like the litttle frozen peas that spring from the bag when you first rip it open, skitter across the counter and drop to the floor where they are promptly stepped on or thoroughly sniffed by the wolf and then deeply ignored.

I just read the sentence "thoughts and perceptions" on a blog somewhere, but thought it said "thoughts and perculations." Naturally, I like perculations better.

I have a vague headache. Unrelated, I'm drinking C2 (the carb-light Coke with half the calories) and feeling guilty about it regardless. Mostly because I also drank half of a Ginger Beer today too and it was chock-a-block with sugar I am sure.

My in-laws left last night and though it was a wonderful visit, the bittersweet, hollow feeling I usually get when any of my visitors leaves lasted only seconds this time, being replaced rapidly with the sweet relief of being able to sprawl inelegantly on my couch again, the remote firmly in hand and under my control and the television fixed on images that are determinedly NOT from ancient British comedies, the Simpsons, golf or soccer. Who wrote the law which requires you to immediately relinquish control of the remote to the eldest male in the household regardless of his ability to chose appropriate programming and how can I change it?! And who is dressing Merle Streep these days, because, sweet lawd, did you see the getup she had on last night at the Emmys?!! That outfit makes her look like she ought to have her image plastered on a bag of cookies. Not good.

I am, I discovered on Friday, a very cheap date. One glass of the bubbly and I am completely snockered. I yakked the Handsome Guy's Boss's Wife's ear right off her head. Right off. It landed on my plate of succulent salmon with a soft splat and lay there tangled with the capers and the red onion ringlets. It did so! I politely tucked it in my napkin when she wasn't looking and dropped it in a potted plant. Okay, That didn't really happen. But it could have.

I really did see the decapitated head of a bunny lying in the grass on the wolf walk this morning. It was horryifying and fascinating. Its eye was open and staring. It was completely bloodless. The body was nowhere to be seen. I wonder what happened to it? The image of it, unbloodied, unblinking, unconnected, has been hovering on the periphery of my subconscious all day today. It will appear again in my nightmares later this week for sure.

I've eaten alot of white food lately. This is not good. White food, while generally delicious, is generally very, very bad for you. My father-in-law is very big on the white food experience. Sad, but true. Tonight, I shall make up for it by eating only brightly colored food chock-a-block with anti-oxidents and the ability to cleanse white food particles from my blood stream.

Hungry now. Ciao.

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