2004-09-05 � Back to School Blues

Back to School Blues

Okay. No doubt you have noticed the cheery back to school redesign (except, possibly you, Oblivia! You know who you are.) It was to be accompanied by an equally cheery post about how despite being long past my school days, how I can't help but fill with Back to School excitment. It would have blathered on about the back to school issue of Seventeen magazine (do they still have that?) and how I committed every page to memory, about my all-time fave back to school outfit (burgundy cordory number with hood and wooden toggles and matching skirt and faux leather knee high boots) and about the immense joy to be found in a package of 400 perfectly blank looseleaf sheets and a fresh set of markers.

And then there was that massacre in Beslan, Russia and that just kinda squeezed the fun right outta me, in one long gooby string like toothpaste from the tube.

Because o, the heartbreak. It's all so unbearably sad and barbaric and horryifying.

So now I sit here, heavy hearted, a sick sludgy feeling in my stomach and I just don't know where to go with this.

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