2004-08-27 � Back in the saddle again

Wrapping it up

Pssst...Hey! You! yeah, you...you with the face! C'mere a minute. I got something to tell you.

I'm Back.

Okay, truth is, I never actually went anywhere. But I was all OCCUPIED entertaining my parents and buying loads and loads of PINK THINGS and sobbing as Canadian hurdler girls wiped out in truly spectacular ways, often taking out a Russian or two. And there were movies to see and dinners to be prepared and eaten and mounds of flowers and tomatoes and peaches to be selected from the farmer's market (we have one. wow. who knew?)

And now the parentals have flown away and there is vacumning to do and surfaces to be spritzed with windex and work to be done and e-mails to be answered and credit cards to be paid off. And laundry. Oh god. Can we talk about the laundry?!! How is it possible that I have worn every item of clothing I have in the last week?! Especially given the fact that I spent seven hours shopping on Friday and eight hours shopping on Saturday and have a whole new wardrobe and still nothing clean to wear?! How is that possible? And the towels. There was an unbelievable amount of toweling going on here. You'd think we were hosting the entire American Men's and Women's swim team in my bathroom, and maybe also three quarters of the world's synchronized swimmers. And my hair. O, it's bad people. It is outta control.

So things will resume normally really soon. They will. Honest to boots. But there's some stuff I gotta do first. Like get groceries. We are currently down to three whole wheat saltines, a very freezer burned pair of Eggo waffles, and a lemon. Oh, and enough condiments to supply the Eastern Seaboard for a year.

And in less than three weeks? My in-laws are comng to visit. Yee haw.

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