2004-05-20 � Public Service Announcement

Broken Things

Okay...Ya'll * make me feel so guilty when you rush to my comment section and leave the sweetest comments EVAH and then I fail to follow up with an update for another week or so, making you all sad and wondering why you even bothered in the first place, so I'm going to give you a bitty wee snackerel here, hoping it makes up for the serious lack of content.

* Yes, I said Ya'll and I can do that legitimately having once lived in Texas. It's true.

O..wait...has it been thirty minutes? hang on, folks. I've got to check the quiche Jack put in the oven before steering the wolf out the door to go squash snails. This will just take a few...

Okay, I'm back and I picked up a fig newton and a new bruise on my knee in the process, tripping over one of my sandals which Finny J carelessly left halfway up the stairs. Quiche appears to be okay, but what do I know?

Okay, where was I... oh yes, serious lack of content. I'll be following up on that in a second. First I've got to pause for a Public Service Anouncement. This is very important. It should be accompanied by those siren sounds they use on teevee when testing the Emergency Response System or whatever. But I don't know the html for that, so you're just going to have to imagine it or hum or something. Okay, ready?

Public Service Announcement: My e-mail is seriously screwed!!! If you have sent an e-mail to me in the past two weeks or so and I haven't responded, I'm not purposely ignoring you. (If you are Spam, I might be purposely ignoring you. Especially if you don't have a cute subject line like "accidental bologna" which is the actual subject line of a recent piece of spam I received. I might even be trashing you immediately. And then cursing because of course, I continue to receive spam, but the e-mails I truly want? Nowhere to be found or arriving days after they are sent.)

Turns out my server is being routinely attacked by the Sasser Worm. It doesn't affect my computer because I don't use Windows and so you don't have to worry about anything you might receive from me. If you catch it, you didn't catch it from me! But it is affecting me in that I'm not receiving 90 percent of my mail right now. Or I receive it days later. It's a serious drag. I've been planning on switching my internet service for some time now and I'm looking into that now, checking out my options. Sigh.

So in the meantime... you can try the new e-mail address I just set up. It is: [email protected]

Okay back to the regular ridiculousness. Hmmm.... what to write. O! Wait! I have an idea! Eons ago I was planning to give you a list of our top ten nicknames for Finny J. Now seems like the ideal opportunity since I have little else of interest to share. So, in no particular order and with no more ado...

� Finnegan Hamtongue (cuz her tongue looks like a big pink slab o' ham

� Panters MaGraw

� Little Mouseketurd

� Wooflee Snitskin

� Puppopotamus

� Wooflet

� Smelly

� Possum

� Sweetie

� Senor

� Princess Pantsalot

That's actually eleven nicknames and that's just scratching the surface, but for some reason the other 347 nicknames we have for her have vacated my brain. Along with most other thoughts aside from this one: I'm HUNGRY! Feed me Seymour! and on that note, I'll bid you adieu. Later gators!

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