2004-04-23 � tick talk

As sand through the hour glass...

Okay. Gonna dispense with the creepy now. 'cuz I've come to the conclusion that creepy just begets more creepy and I've had my fill, thank you very much. So I'm going to be all about the CHEER and the FUN and the TASTY for a while and we'll see where that goes!

Argh. Okay... I suddenly find myself with all this time on my hands. Which is good, right? I mean time is the stuff I go on and on about when I don't have any. I'm always with the "if only i had time, I'd paint that grody tall boy dresser" (actually I haven't used the term grody since I was six, but whatever...), or "if only I had time i'd plan a proper back yard garden / learn to sew / paint the kitchen ceiling / clean out my closet / update my portfolio /make over the old ice cream parlour set rusting away in the garage / write a book / end world hunger...."

And now, for the first time in many months, I have it. Time. Some at least. And it's not proving to be the magical, cure-all elixir I always supposed. This is because I may have Time now, but I'm still lacking the skills to manage it well. sigh. I start thinking about all the possibilities, my brain starts a whirling and then I collapse in front of the TV, completely overwhelmed and somehow exhausted at the prospect of all this stuff I haven't actually tackled yet.

So today I've resolved to manage it somehow. I'm thinking it will require alot of coffee, a lasso and cowboy hat, theme music and...wait for it....lists. Yes, a list. That's the ticket. A check list. Organized in terms of priority and practicality. Maybe in scroll form. On parchment. Written with a feather pen. But, of course, I have no parchment suitable for the scrolling and no feather pen either, so I will have to go shopping for those. And the cowboy hat. And food. We have no food either. And I have no clothes clean enough to wear in public so I'll have to do laundry first and the wolf has yet to be walked and I haven't watered the plants in three weeks and wait a minute, the House Doctor is on in forty-five minutes and I love the House Doctor and oh, my coffee is getting cold and what's the weather going to be like for the weekend and where is that Bob Marley cd Jack brought home the other day and I really should burn off one of those custom iTune compilations I'm always compiling and oh my gawd! how can it be 4:30 already? I'm not even dressed yet.... I'm not even dressed yet and there is parchment to be purchased, people, and a dog to be fed and coffee to be drunk and tall boys to be painted and....

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