2003-11-13 � Soaking My Head

Sniffles and Sneezes and Suds

I am absolutely no doubt about it sick. Earlier today, I was kind of enjoying that. I was going to draw a wee picture of me lounging on a fainting couch with a hand touched delicately to my fevered head, surrounded by kleenex and lozenges and soothing cups of tea and the wolf, of course, would be stationed nearby, black brow wrinkled with deep concern.

But now my cold is full fledged and I have no energy to draw wee pictures of sickies sprawled on fainting couches and although I've only felt truly awful for about five hours now, it's beginning to annoy me thoroughly. How could I have forgotten how much I despise being sick? And so there will be no doodles and I am packing up my lozenges and my peppermint tea and the Entertainment Weekly I just retrieved from Jack's bag and I'm going to go steep in a hot bathtub and sulk gloomily. Yup.

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