2003-11-11 � The Bland and the Boring

Living La Vida Loca

So... um...whatcha doin'? Me? Sitting here, drinking some rather awful coffee outta my Harry Potter mug, feeling seriously uninspired and thinking about how it seems all of my artistic skill has fled my body this week. Off and on for a couple of days now, I've struggled to produce a new November topper, but to no avail.

I did manage to produce this little snippet which has a certain charm, I think... but all other efforts produced a resounding nothing.

Thing is, I think I'm sick of working digitally for now. I'm hungrily eyeing my big ass can of ever so distressed paintbrushes these days and dreaming of globs and blobs of juicy colour.

Methinks it's time to revisit the old skool way of illustrating and get a little dirty. This calls for a major shopping excursion as my stores of paint have literally dried up. Mostly due to my profound inability to put the tops back on my paint tubes and also, to the husband's never ceasing despair, on the toothpaste.

In other news: hmmm.... well, things have been a bit blah lately. I think it must be the seriously drab weather which is sucking me dry. I went on a massive shopping spree this weekend, buying like six tops/sweaters, two new pair of jeans. four pairs of socks (none of which are stripe-ed, a situation I must resolve. Although I did get a pair with some cuddlesome little snowmen frolicking on 'em), two bras, a plug-in cinnamon fragrance heater upper dispersal unit thang which is not dispersing nearly enough cinnamon scented goodness for my liking, a pair of purty earrings and the Finding Nemo DVD I talked about earlier.

Also, saw School of Rock with the irrepressible Jack Black and his acrobatic eyebrows. I loved it with all my heart despite it's blantantly formula structure. I even teared up in parts. Good Gawd. Perhaps I need to get out more?

And I helped the handsome guy clean the basement. and by help, I mean I stood there with a broom, fussing about how that box really deserves its own shelf and oh, god if you put that Box of Archaic and Utterly Useless Things (or alternately, that Box of Broken, Hideous Artifacts of Dubious Origin) there, I'll never be able to reach it when I need it. I was also available to make plenty of girly squeaks whilst flapping my hands and hopping on one foot about the bucket of creepy crawly live and wriggling things Jack was collecting on top of the washing machine for release into the wild.

And...uh, what else? Hmmm. I made tortilla pie and watched "House Rules" for the first time too.

Yup. I really enjoy my rock 'n' roll celebrity lifestyle. yessirr.

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