2003-10-22 � Jesus is a head whacker

You heard it here first!

Yeah, so... um... I keep going on about how I have no time to update this thing and stuff and then I'm all with the soup recipes and the updates and stuff.

But my cousin Dee just sent me the most wonderful story about her little daughter Aubrey and I just had to share because it made me laugh so hard, pee trickled down my leg. Okay, well it didn't really, but you get the idea:

"...Aubrey (who is now 4) has an incredible imagination.� An example, Aubrey likes to ask many questions, such as,�"where was I before I was born?"� My standard answer, "up in heaven with God".� She regaled me with the following story, "Mommy, I remember when I was up in heaven with God.� I got to play with Jesus all the time".� My response, "Jesus was a very nice man, wasn't he. . . "��� "Well, actually, Mom, he was a baby and I got to hold him a lot.� I also walked with God, but I didn't always like that."� "Why not, Aub?"� "Because God would push us in the stroller and�Jesus used to whack me on the head when he sat behind me in the double stroller!"��(this said with an unhappy�face).�"...

I always knew He wasn't nearly as saintly as everyone supposed!

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