2003-07-30 � tiger tiger burning bright

A Wee Peek

I wanted to post an entry to assure all those concerned that my fingers are okay, really and truly... they've re-inflated to their pre-squashed state and hue and are likely to stay attached and functional... but then it kind of felt like I needed more to justify a new entry. So here you go... a little sample of the book I've been work on.

The story is about this lovely little tiger family, pictured up there with their new arrival. That's not an actual illustration from the book, although i might include it somewhere. It's really more of a character study. But I think it conveys a certain mood I'm after.

Right now, I'm in the process of doing very loose sketches for each of the illustrations to establish the setting. and doing individual sketches of the various animals involved in the story which I then piece together to fit the setting. This is the hardest stage for me, 'cuz I always want to jump ahead and get to the meaty part of fleshing it all out and making it look all purty and stuff. But though it's not the sexy fun part, it is the most important part because if the scale is off or the "structure" isn't right or the composition is too cluttered, I just end up spinning my wheels and wasting time working on illustrations that never fly and end up getting scrapped any way. sigh.

So stay tuned! And thanks again for all your concern about my ruthlessly flattened fingers.

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