2003-07-01 � O Canada

It's Canada Day, people! Rejoice! Frolic! Cavort. And drink beer, lots and lots of it.

I know that it's Canada Day 'cuz it's Tuesday, but all the stores are closed and mysteriously, the handsome guy is home. Well, he was home. He just went to see if he can find an open car wash because the gang of loud, cheerful and industrious birds that amass on our street daily has been decorating our shiny silver car with shameless abandon lately.

I think there might have been a parade or two around the nation. Three houses on our street have Canadian flags waving out front, and I'm sure there will be the crackle and bang of fireworks later tonight which will send the wolf into hiding, but otherwise, Canada Day is a pretty low key affair befitting a low key country. You see all these American magazines at the grocery check out touting their amazingly creative Fourth of July decorating schemes, sporting all manner of bunting and appropriately coloured berries arranged on sheet cakes to resemble the Stars and Stripes... and it makes you feel a bit sad and unpatriotic sometimes, but on the whole, I have to say I'm glad Canada day isn't a big raucous affair.

It's just a day to kick back and relax and enjoy a moment of fleeting summer... to stand on your lawn and chat to a baby draped neighbour while sprinklers spit and sparkle, leaves laugh in the trees and enormous puffy clouds drift aimlessly overhead. To nurse a glass of lemonade, wiggling your toes in the overlong grass, and watch your dog savagely shred a tennis ball. To contemplate all manner of house improvement and opt instead for a lazy afternoon nap. Ah yes, summer. Glorious and free. And fleeting. Oh so very, very fleeting! I'm going to go catch me a moment of it. cheers.

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