2003-05-30 � eye candy

Hello. My name is wee and I'm a foto junkie.

Okay...well, this is unusual. I can't sleep. It's so rare that this happens.

Normally, i fall asleep within moments of hitting the pillow. I do this thing where I rub my foot against the sheet for a couple of minutes, I roll my pillow over a couple of times, seeking the cool spots and that's it. I'm slack-jawed and slumbering and dreaming and drooling and only the wolf's intense stare can wake me.

But tonight? No go. I tried. I did. Really. I tried and tried. I practically rubbed a hole in the sheet with my foot, flipped my pillow up, down, sideways and to the left., rolled about, jostling poor Jack, sighed, chanted my comforting little can't sleep mantra to myself... but here I am, nearly two hours later and I'm wide awake, the shiny little cogs in my brain still whirring and clicking.

Maybe it's my new addiction. Fotolog, man... it's the latest monkey on my back. As if I didn't spend enough time dawdling around diaryland, now I've gone and hooked myself on the yet another form of blogging. But, o, it's fabulous!

I'm like the lab rat at the lever, clicking away furiously, jonesing for the next hit of eye candy. And o lord, there is some sweet stuff out there.

I've become utterly besotted with jetbot. Well, not her so much... although she's uber-fabulous and kewl and Canadian to boot... as her amazing, amazing photos. If you're not already in the know, check out her fotolog . Brillant!

And all I can think about is how urgently I desire... no, REQUIRE... a digital camera. My trusty old Minolta has served me well and I am still ever so fond of it, but o...how I yearn for the stunning immediacy of the digital snappers! Must.... Get.... Digital.

Aside: my merriam-webster word of the day just arrived and it's applesauce. Applesauce?!! What idiot requires the definition of applesauce?!

Um... and now I've gone and lost my train of thought entirely. O bother! Perhaps I should go try that slumber thing again.

O...and just in case you missed it, my fotolog button is up there with my guestbook and archives and notes and stuff. Up there. No, on the right. Yeah, that's it! You got it.

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