2003-01-13 � screamy me

screaming reds

It has come to my attention recently that some of you are labouring under the impression that i am undiluted sunshine, chicken soup for the soul, that little birds come and help me get dressed every morning and that other enchanted creatures of the forest scrub my floors and wash my dishes and knit colourful garments out of flowers and moonbeams for me to wear. That i never curse or swear or stink or have an unseemly thought ever. ever.

And while that's 90 percent true, I do get the blue meanies on occasion, and the screaming reds on others. I am sometimes all gnash-ly and fang-ly and grumpy and occasionally my feet smell. And sometimes I rage against the world. Like this:

I am TV

click here to see more scary pictures like this at explodingdog.com

Just thought you should know.

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