2002-09-08 � normalacy

Nearly Normal

Happily, things are returning to normal. The wolf is in a mood because her walks have been limited to a quick once around the ball diamond (doctor's orders), her diet consists entirely of canned vet food (NO TABLE SCRAPS!!! scrawled in block letters and followed by three count 'em three exclaimation marks on her release orders) and her toy box has been stripped of any and all likely to crumble objects (sticks, bones and balls).

No matter how prettily she pouts, I'm taking no chances. Neither my heart nor my credit card can tolerate any further emergency vet visits. But aside from a distinct disgruntled quality centering on these issues, she's back to her bouncy self. At last. She should be grateful I haven't opted to seal her in an enormous hamster ball for the rest of her years. With practically everything in her life being fraught with dire doggie danger from Kleenex to cleaning agents, bacon to balls, this was considered, believe me.

My attention is slowly returning to banal worries about my in-laws up-coming visit and all the loveliness (ha) that entails, the wretched state of the carpet and the urgent need for steam-cleaning, and the fact I'm like five years over due for a dental appointment and my golden tresses are becoming most unruly and need to be tamed.

I have the feeling that the next month is not to be as consumed with blissful strolls through autumal woods and the baking of apple products as originally supposed. Nope, looks like dull maintenance issues are threatening to hijack my agenda. (aside: it's just come to my attention that the word "hijack" seems to be making unusually frequent appearances in this journal. ) O well.

This is my horoscope for the week as predicted by Georgia Nichols:

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) You are an idealist and more than any other sign, you're inclined to Pollyannaism. You like to believe in a better tomorrow. This week your thinking is frankly pretty soft and mushy. You'll cry at TV commercials. You suddenly want to embrace idealistic philosophies and political ideals with all your heart. Meanwhile, conflict with bosses and authority figures (including parents) is likely. This may or may not be related to your extreme idealism at the moment. I too, believe in a positive attitude and following a path that leads to the highest good. But I also know the future is much like the present -- only longer.

Okay, can someone explain to me what great wisdom the last line is suppose to impart to me? And nice use of "may or may not be related to your extreme idealism...." . Got your bases covered there don't cha Georgia?

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