2003-11-11 � Fancy Fleas

Bed Bugs

The husband is currently convinced that he is being devoured by fleas at night. True, he does have five angry red bites of some sort dispersed over, under and around his elegantly pasty white bod... but we completely dismantled the bed and the bedding, scoured the wolf, vacumned and inspected everything including each other early, early this morning and found nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. We found teeny pebbles and grains of dirt and honking piles of dog hair which her wooly majesty regularly distributes with great aplomb* and spirited generosity, but no fleas.

This did not surprise me. Isn't it too cold now for fleas? Aren't they all frozen into teeny flea shaped ice sculptures, or on their way to warmer climes by now? And how do you know if you have fleas anyway?!!

But he was seriously unimpressed with my suggestion that perhaps these are psychosomatic fleas.

* ooo...how impressive! The first time ever I used the word aplomb!

And oh, yes...check out Wee Doodles (folio) .... I've finally added a portfolio page, right up there in the right hand column. I'll be adding more to it in the weeks to come. Yahoo.

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